ASDMA, the Architectural & Specialist Door Manufacturers Association, was formed in 1990 with membership made up of companies who manufacture specialist bespoke doors. Many of these had been founder members of the TRADA QA Scheme for fire doors.
Since the association was founded the membership has grown to include suppliers of hardware, seals, glazing and also leading UKAS accredited test houses. The diversity of membership means the association is uniquely equipped to pull together information on all factors relating to the bespoke door industry.
ASDMA objectives are:
- To further the interests of specialist bespoke door and doorset manufacturers and their component suppliers
- To support and inform members
- To promote and increase best practice in the manufacture and supply of bespoke doors and doorsets

ASDMA Representation
With the advent of the single European market and the implications of CE marking for both suppliers and consumers, it is essential to have a specialist association to further the interests of bespoke manufacturers ensuring representation on:
- British, European and International technical and standards making committees
- Appropriate economic and political forums affecting the door industry
- Contractual bodies
With representation on these various bodies ASDMA membership has its finger on the pulse of Europe, ensuring members products comply with current and new regulations and standards, safeguarding the interests of their clients.