Architectural and Specialist Door Manufacturers’ Association (ASDMA)

Specifier Guidance Bulletins

ASDMA’s Guidance on BS 8214: 2016 Timber Fire Door Assemblies

BS 8214: 2016 Timber-based fire door assemblies – Code of Practice                 

Guidance and recommendations for the specification, installation and maintenance of timber-based fire doors (up to 2 hours fire resistance), covering fire door assemblies and door leaves. 

BS 8214, the British standard for timber-based fire door assemblies, has been completely revised and has now been published in November 2016.
Copies are available here:

ASDMA have produced a bulletin below, which details important aspects and considerations relating to the new standard.

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ASDMA Specifier Bulletin 2: Third Party Certification

CE marking for fire doors is almost here. The enabling standard covering fire resistance and smoke control characteristics (EN 16034) has now been published in the official journal of the Community.
Does anything have to change? Or is the CE mark additional to what exists? What does it mean? Read our specifiers bulletin for further guidance.

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ASDMA Specifier Bulletin 1: Construction Products Regulation

Does the CPR deliver in providing better regulation in fire safety?

ASDMA completely supports fire safety through fitness for purpose of door products, their design and manufacturing processes. We believe that the CPR helps by raising the profile of fire safety as one of the essential characteristics for products used in construction works. But we also particularly support third party product and installer certification because of its wider scope and more effective fit with the way the market and its supply networks customarily function in the UK.

Concerning the question asked by the Brussels seminar, we conclude that the CPR does not in practice really deliver better regulation for fire safety in the markets at the local level – although the CPR may well be good regulation for the political aim of better defining the European Union.

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